5 Ways To Have Your Turkey Not Be Dry & Bland On Turkey Day

Very soon many people will be throwing a turkey in the oven & serving it to their guests, but let me be the first to say it for everyone; the turkey is often way too bland & dry! Yes, the main course of Thanksgiving dinner is often the least flavorful & don’t tell me to “just put the gravy & sauces on it afterwards” because in that case, I’d rather put all the fixings on something else with more flavor! This problem is further compounded due to the emphasis on being “thankful” on Thanksgiving Day, which in this case makes […]

2019-11-15T18:44:27-05:00November 15th, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

Pumpkin Spice Latte – Is It Basic?


This associate of Scranberry Coop almost considered ending this bit here, but instead let’s dive a bit further into why pumpkin spice latte is so basic. According to Business Insider, “To be basic in the era of Pumpkin Spice Latte means to be lacking in creativity or aggressively mainstream and feminine… a term ‘some women were using it to describe other women who they didn’t think had interesting taste.'” & while pumpkin spice latte may have been innovative back in 2003 when it was first unleashed upon the world, it is now 16 years old. Yes, […]

2019-10-28T16:57:50-04:00October 28th, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

The Magic of Halloween, Autumn, & Change

Some of us have been yearning for the change of seasons while others may have been dreading it, but now it is undeniable: Autumn is here & Halloween is just around the corner! If you couldn’t tell, this associate of Scranberry Coop is a major fan of the onset of Autumn, so while I am sure that some readers may take issue with this, I would like to communicate how much I adore this time of the year; no negative nancy this time around! While change may be a tricky prospect for some, I know that I along with many […]

2019-10-01T09:57:59-04:00October 1st, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

Top Ten Scranberry Coop FB Pictures – August 2019

This associate of Scranberry Coop would like to thank all of you for your high engagement with our FB fan page this past month! The following are our top ten pictures from August, featuring a number of our quality dealers and our beloved dog Joey! Whether this will be a trip down memory lane for you, or if you are seeing these pictures for the first time, we are sure you will enjoy this collection! By the way, if you would like to stay up to date with our latest posts and announcements, be sure to like […]

2019-08-26T01:47:34-04:00August 26th, 2019|Dealers|0 Comments

Holidays to celebrate in August

As we wait for the next scheduled federal holiday, Labor Day, to arrive at the beginning of September, you may wish to pass the summer days with something to celebrate. This associate of Scranberry Coop would like to remind you that you & every day are worth celebrating. :) Sentimental statement aside, we have obtained a list of holidays that will keep you more than entertained for all of August. Ones we particularly like are “International Beer Day,” “Happiness Happens Day,” “Lazy Day,” “Relaxation Day,” & Joey particularly likes “Dog Appreciation Day.” ^_^ Side tangent: “Pluto Demoted Day” is a […]

2019-07-28T21:59:41-04:00July 28th, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

Fireworks in New Jersey – Legality & Safety Tips

My friend this weekend told me how he randomly came across a firework stand & stocked up on his arsenal for Independence Day, & you may have noticed that things in this state are very different than before. I remember just two years ago how I was very much concerned about the hypothetical possession & use of fireworks in New Jersey, which I totally did not have at the time by the way, but now we don’t have to worry anymore… right? Well actually, you might want to keep certain things in mind. New Jersey is only “kind of cool” […]

2019-07-28T21:18:23-04:00July 1st, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

5 things to love & dislike about summer

As we rapidly approach summer, we should first be happy that we got away from the winter months. Perhaps things got a little bit too cold this last winter, & after the teetering back & forth between cold snaps & warm springs, we seem to have finally broken through. But the honeymoon period is typically short-lived, and for some of us, summer can be a bittersweet experience. Perhaps I resonate with migrating mentalities, where we go south in the winter & really far north in the summer, but alas in today’s day & age, we endure the best & the worst […]

2019-12-16T11:48:16-05:00May 31st, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

Cinco de Mayo – Extra facts to fill the idle chatter

Perhaps you like to have a leg up in conversation when certain holidays come around, or you would like to best those who typically are the “know-it-alls” on certain days. Boy, do I have good news for you; Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner & you can be ahead of the curve! The following are some extra facts that you can whip out to fill in the idle chatter if you are out drinking on Cinco de Mayo. Disclaimer: You are responsible for the delivery of said information & how others perceive you. Secondary Disclaimer: If you are […]

2019-07-28T21:17:50-04:00April 28th, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

Holidays to distract you before Tax Day

In just under two weeks is National Tax Day (April 15), & while some people may be looking forward to their upcoming refunds, others who are not expecting money from the IRS hopefully are on their way to finishing all their tax forms & preparing / have already prepared their tax contribution to the government. For those of us who are dreading this deadline, what can lift our spirits? Well, apparently there are a number of holidays between now & Tax Day to observe, whether as a distraction, or a way to celebrate potentially finish our taxes early! & by […]

2019-04-05T04:47:06-04:00April 5th, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

Featured Dealer – Booth # 58 – Karen Gunzel

Flea Markets, Auctions, Garage Sales, and Estate Sales are my Archeological Dig Sites. I am Karen Gunzel, proud Scranberry Coop Dealer, Booth #58. I have been buying and selling interesting items since Depression Glass was hot, hot, hot! I don’t know what I enjoy more; the thrill of the hunt, or the setting up and displaying of my merchandise at the Coop. And the selling is great too!

I have sold at many different venues but I must admit the most friendly and interesting displays I have ever done happen at the Scranberry Coop. My oddities and old objects and are […]

2019-07-28T21:17:59-04:00March 14th, 2019|Dealers|0 Comments
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