About Kyo Uchida

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So far Kyo Uchida has created 104 blog entries.

Featured Dealer – Booth #4 – Abra Cadaver

I’ve always had an interest in clothes. Not the everyday sort, but pieces that would stand out. Be different. Things that would suggest the kind of person I am, or want to be.

Collecting “wearable art” has been a passion, and I’ve amassed quite a stash over the years. Sometimes I surprise myself when I rediscover a dress, hat, or coat that I bought YEARS ago. Who knew that other people would enjoy my findings just like I do?!

I carry vintage and older designer fashions from the ‘30s to the ‘70s. Occasionally I’ll find something new-ish that fits the bill, but […]

2019-02-21T07:54:30-05:00February 21st, 2019|Dealers|0 Comments

Why President’s Day?

If you noticed that a lot of federal services & businesses were shut down this past Monday, this associate at Scranberry Coop would like to remind you that yes, it was indeed President’s Day. A holiday that gives an excuse for teachers to teach students about George Washington & Abraham Lincoln, since their birthdays happen to be in February, & apparently Valentine’s Day is not “federal” enough for that day to be an observed federal holiday. Which is fine, but even from my youth, this day feels like a placeholder way to give people a three day weekend.

According to the […]

2019-02-21T04:12:09-05:00February 21st, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

Featured Dealer – Booth # 66 – Old & Odd

Hi, we are Jeff and Sandi Rusch, proprietors of ‘Old and Odd’, booth #66 at Scranberry Coop. We have been vendors at the Coop for a few years now, and Jeff helps ‘man’ the Jail on Thursdays. We started out as almost weekly shoppers, and quickly had so much great ‘stuff’ that we had to get a booth to sell some of it! We started off small, and quickly graduated to larger and larger booths until landing where we are now.

Since we’re both retired, I help as much as I can, but Jeff is the heart and soul behind the […]

2019-01-23T17:52:39-05:00January 23rd, 2019|Dealers|2 Comments

New Year’s Resolutions & Living in the Present

Happy new year from Scranberry Coop! It is a common tradition to make a new year’s resolution that you may or may not fulfill, but this affiliate of Scranberry Coop has this to say: live in the present. Being stuck in the past leads to depression, while constantly worrying about the future leads to anxiety, & there is already so much to engage within the present! Another common saying; The past is history, & the future is a mystery, but today is a gift & that’s why it is called the present! So while this list of

2019-01-25T02:56:28-05:00January 23rd, 2019|Holidays|0 Comments

42 Christmas Puns to get you in the holiday spirit

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from Scranberry Coop! We figured that the following 42 Christmas puns, courtesy of Pun.me, might get you in the holiday spirit if you aren’t already! If these puns just don’t hit the spot for you because of the anxiety regarding getting gifts in time, know that our doors are always open during business hours, where we are always happy to assist you in finding those special gifts for your friends & family! By the way, if you ever need a short break from exploring the items of our 170+ dealers, feel free […]

2018-12-15T15:12:43-05:00December 12th, 2018|Holidays|0 Comments

Are you tired of your traditional Thanksgiving foods?

Perhaps you want to be thankful for a new taste palette this Thanksgiving instead of the repetitious “traditional” platitudes and foods that we take in every year. After all, how many times do you actually want to pay attention to the bland conversation of your friends and family? No offense to those at your Thanksgiving dinner by the way, for I am sure they all have at least a redeeming quality. This associate of Scranberry Coop has some wonderfully blasphemous ideas for you to consider that will keep you thoroughly distracted from everything that makes you wish you would slip […]

2018-11-18T20:27:40-05:00November 16th, 2018|Holidays|0 Comments

Featured Dealer: Mcfarland Leather

50% off sale on all currently available McFarland Leather gear!

On Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, & No Name Sunday @ Scranberry Coop!

Don’t wait too long, or there will be nothing left for you! Oh & brownie points for anyone that can come up with a good alternative name for “No Name Sunday,” we just honestly have no idea what to call it at this point… Procrastinator Sunday maybe?

& if you miss the 50% off sale because of a potential food coma or for any other undisclosed reason, or want to be super fancy like this very stylish dragon customer who […]

2018-11-29T01:27:56-05:00November 15th, 2018|Dealers|0 Comments

History of Halloween a.k.a. Samhain

Halloween is just around the corner, and we at Scranberry Coop will be having our Halloween Party on Sunday, October 28! However, as most holidays have been transformed over the years for various reasons, it is important to look back and understand the roots of these holidays, Halloween a.k.a. Samhain in particular. Which traditions have persisted from the very beginning and which practices are newer than you may have known? Learn the history of Halloween and justify your potential indulgences, questionable costumes choices in dropping temperatures, and any large fires that you may be inclined to start. Disclaimer: We […]

2018-10-20T17:52:21-04:00October 20th, 2018|Holidays|0 Comments

15 reasons why autumn is the best season

Written by Taran Bassi of MetroUK (with some snarky commentary from an affiliate of Scranberry Coop)

Finally the best season, aka autumn, is now upon us. People always get unfairly excited about the summer months, but in reality autumn is where the magic happens.

Instead of hit and miss weather, sweating issues, holiday envy and forced BBQs everywhere, you can instead bask in the sweet scent of pumpkin, be constantly warm and cosy by a fire, and relish in all the new TV shows.

There is basically nothing not to love about autumn.

(Go on Taran, impress us with your infallible […]

2018-09-25T06:14:32-04:00September 25th, 2018|Holidays|1 Comment

Labor Day Jokes & Finding Success in the Job Market

  • Father: Do you know, most people don’t have to work today, because it’s Labor Day.
    Son: If people are not working, shouldn’t we call today ‘No-Labor Day?’
  • Did you hear the one about Labor Day?
    It works for me!
  • If a train station is where the train stops, and a bus station is where the bus stops, what is a work station?
  • If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend.
  • ‘I’m never going to work for that man again.’
    ‘Why, what did he say?’
    ‘You’re fired.’

Footnote: We are struggling to find […]

2018-08-22T03:59:53-04:00August 22nd, 2018|Holidays|0 Comments
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