About Kyo Uchida

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So far Kyo Uchida has created 104 blog entries.

Newsletter 2017.01.02: Happy New Year from Scranberry Coop!

Going into our 31st year here at 42 Main Street, I just want to take a moment to say thank you! Some of you are new to the Coop, while some of you have been visiting the Coop for as long or longer than I have been here! Old or new, it wouldn’t be the same without you! Your support has allowed Scranberry Coop to thrive, and I thank you! This community of dealers and collectors that have become a part of the Coop family are what makes Scranberry Coop so much fun!

Cheers to you and […]

2019-12-16T11:48:23-05:00January 3rd, 2018|Events|0 Comments

Salt Lamps, White Sage, & Aromatherapy

If you are looking to enhance your personal space with the sights and smells of cultures around the world, come to Scranberry Coop to check out Booth 128’s assortment of himalayan pink salt lamps, white sage smudge sticks, and various aromatherapy items, including incense and charcoal burners!

Salt Lamps, White Sage, & Aromatherapy - Scranberry Coop - Vintage Store - Antiques, Collectibles, & More

Himalayan pink salt lamps are a great accent for any room, whether it be a centerpiece for a table or a fixture for your bedside. According to Natural Living Ideas, these salt lamps cleanse & deodorize the air, reduce allergy & asthma symptoms, […]

2019-12-16T11:47:01-05:00December 27th, 2017|Dealers|4 Comments

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Extended Shopping Hours: Thurs. December 14 & Thurs. December 21, from 10 am to 7 pm!

Wow, our wonderful family of dealers did not disappoint this season! Kicking off the fun and festivities, they’ve completely LOADED their booths with incredible vintage finds, beautiful collectibles, wonderful antiques and even some gift baskets!

Shopping here is the exact opposite of a commercialized holiday. At the Coop, it’s not about mass production. It’s about finding that perfect momento, that token of years gone by, spent with family and friends that will forever remain in your heart. There was an ornament, or a little decoration that always made […]

2019-12-16T11:47:06-05:00December 13th, 2017|Holidays|0 Comments

Santa Claus at Scranberry Coop

Known worldwide, he’s Krampus, Grandfather Frost, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or Tompte. His companions range from moorish dwarfs to darling grandaughters, his transportation goes from goats to Stallions to grand sleighs, and his demeanor varies from punishing to saintly.

Here in the USA we tend to like our Santa Claus jolly! Typically he’s dressed in red, donning a thick white beard, a big belly, and a grand list of all the children who were naughty and nice.

Other than an occasional lump of coal story, our Santas are kind and generous, granting wishes, eating Christmas sprinkle cookies and leaving lots of presents […]

2019-12-16T11:47:11-05:00December 1st, 2017|Holidays|0 Comments
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